Thank you for your support of the 24th Annual Noxious Weed Fundraiser

MVRG Weed Committee has many people to thank for their help in making our 24th Annual fundraiser a success!

Thank you our hosts Michelle & Nate Yoder of Meadow Creek Equestrian Center for the use of your beautiful facility and your support of the entire fundraiser.

Thank you to our Major Donors & Underwriters that help put the event on. We appreciate and thank you for each of your contributions.

Thank you to our vendors providing food, drinks and music!

- Our wine vendor, The Bottle Barn in Ennis

- Bridger Brewing, for making great recommendations for their beers!

- The Pic-a-nic Basket in Ennis for their delicious appetizers & desserts.

- Blacktail Station of Dillon and their amazing staff for providing an amazing spread of prime rib and all the fixings.

- Our Auctioneer Mark Anderson and his amazing callers.

- Our sound engineer Bobby Lauver for your setup and expertise!

This event was an incredible night with neighbors and friends fighting weeds in the Madison Valley. We are so grateful to all who came out to support the event by buying tickets and bidding on auction items.

Lastly, thank you to our MVRG & Weed Committee members and their families for their tireless work and support.


Over 20 years ago a group of Madison Valley landowners came together to fight a common enemy - noxious weeds. In order to bolster their efforts a community owned trailer sprayer would be needed. They approached one of their neighbors, Roger Lang with the Sun Ranch, and asked if he would help fund such a project. Roger chose to host a dinner to raise the money and the Annual Noxious Weed Fundraiser or “Weeds Party” was born. This first event was held in 1999 and was so successful that they raised enough money to  not only buy TWO trailer mounted sprayers, but jumpstart the foundation of the Madison Valley Ranchlands Group’s Weed Committee.

While the event has changed and grown, the common goal and purpose has not. All of the funds raised are used to support the Weed Committee’s many projects and efforts that help fight and prevent noxious weeds in the Madison Valley. On average, for every $1 raised, an additional $10-$15 are leveraged and put on the ground.

Join us EACH SUMMER for a fun filled evening with good people, good food, drink silent and live auction!